From Test Automation Patterns
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Pattern summary

Define a template test case as a standard from which you can drive all kinds of test case variations.




Use this pattern to develop test automation eficiently. For disposable scripts is is not necessary but still quite useful


Define a standard automated test case. New test cases can be created by varying only one data field at a time. This makes it much easier to write new tests. In fact the process of varying the data may also be able to be automated (although remember that you also need to know what the expected result of the test will be).


The standard test case should drive the Software Under Test (SUT) in what should be the most common usage, for instance you set up a standard user with the most common characteristics. To create new tests you can then, based on this benchmark, vary the details to check the possible combinations of values.

Potential Problems

The template needs to be accepted and used by everyone if it is to act as a standard. Having everyone contribute to the design of the template can help to overcome some resistance to using it.

Issues addressed by this pattern

This pattern is only used by another pattern: SET STANDARDS.


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