Test Automation Issues

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What is an Issue?

An Issue is a problem that testers and/or test automators encounter when trying to do test automation. They are things that take longer than they should, that hold you back in what you want to automate, or that are just too much trouble - isn't there an easier way? In many cases, yes there is - these are the test automation patterns.
An Issue can also be a task that has to be done when automating and for this case there are also test automation patterns to help execute the task as efficiently as possible.

In this wiki, we show ISSUES in ITALIC CAPS, where we can format it (haven't figured out how to make a page title italic!)

Typical test automation issues

The issues that testers have to face when they tackle test automation are manifold. Some are technical in nature, such as INEFFICIENT FAILURE ANALYSIS or HARD-TO-AUTOMATE.

However, one of the main reasons for failure is to concentrate exclusively on the technical aspects. Other issues are related to the way you work, such as LATE TEST CASE DESIGN, or when automation seems to get off to a good start, but then grinds to a halt, STALLED AUTOMATION. Others are Management Issues, such as HIGH ROI EXPECTATIONS.
Some issues may arise due to either technical or management problems.

Classification of Issues:

We classify the issues into the following categories:

Within each category the issues are listed alphabetically.

The Test Automation Issues Mind Map shows an overview of the specific Test Automation Issues.

Note that Failure Patterns are also a kind of issue because they describe behaviours that, if not recognized in time, can compromize even apparently successful test automation projects. They are also referred to as "anti-patterns".
Failure Patterns were brought to our attention by Michael Stahl at a STAR conference. There is now also an ebook about them (see References).
We are very grateful to be allowed to add them to our collection.

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