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Issue Summary

There is a script or file or dataset but you don't remember what it's called or where to find it.




  1. There is a script that initialises a data file that you want to use for a test. You have used it before but don't remember its name. You have looked through a long list of names but didn't recognise it.
  2. There is a useful little utility that will do just what you want, but you have no idea where you put it.
  3. You want to change the interface to a script or a keyword that you know is being used somewhere, and you need a usage list to make sure you update all the occurrences


How often does this happen?
What happens when you can't find something - do you make another (duplicate) one? Does this happen also in instances like example 3?

Resolving Patterns

Most recommended:
It is important to set out the "rules" for standard ways of identifying and naming automation artefacts, ideally from the beginning. This is one of the things to investigate when you DO A PILOT. The TESTWARE ARCHITECTURE defines where different types of things are stored, so that you know where to go to find them. It is important to SET STANDARDS for things such as how the artefacts are documented, naming conventions and other things that everyone has to deal with. For example, any script should state its purpose, its pre-requisites, and what it produces. This enables you to know whether or not it is actually suitable for you.
For Example 3 you should check that your tool or framework is capable of compiling a usage list.

Other useful patterns:

  • SHARE INFORMATION: Ask for and give information to managers, developers, other testers and customers

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